A Vintage Christmas
A 224 page bookazine celebrating festive homes, entertaining and decorating with a focus on British style, traditions and craft. Divided into four sections: Comfort, Sparkle, Wonder and Love. Each section will include a mixture of: Two homes, dressed for Christmas, Tablescaping and entertaining at home ¿ different festive table settings, with ideas on what to serve (recipes for Christmas Pudding and Egg Nog). Decorating the tree and home, using vintage, reclaimed, upcycled and crafted pieces. Spotlight on a traditional Christmas staple, such as vintage baubles, front door wreath, stocking, vintage Christmas cards. A festive Design Icon, including Nordic ware bundt tin and Wade collectibles, An artist or artisan creating Christmassy pieces to include, Quintessential British places to visit at Christmas: National Trust properties, York and Chester, Wrapping ideas using vintage and upcycled materials.

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