
Field /The

So what is The Field? What smell, feel and sight and sound describes us best. What would a Field smell be? Not that of starched and over-ruched curtains, but more the sweet animal scent of horse and straw at evening stables. Or wheat stubble after light rain. And the feel? An old pair of brogues, perhaps, or a very deep bath with a very cold gin. Sight? The first leaf on an ancient oak? A cock chaffinch in fully fig? A peat-stained stag shimmering out of the October mist? And taste? A rib of Aberdeen Angus with a stunning claret from an obscure chateau.
These are the images that fit those of the country and country people, whom we have served since 1853. Monthly.

Field /The
I butikk til2025-04-02
Pris Sverige149.00 kr
Pris Norge179.00 kr
Kommer ut12 Tider / år

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