Heal Yourself W Crysta
As well as looking beautiful around your house and accessorising your
favourite outfits, crystals have long been prized for their metaphysical
properties. Belief in their ability to heal the body began in ancient times,
stretching across continents and religions, with numerous cultures
creating amulets to use in rituals and talismans for health and protection.
Now you can discover these ancient secrets and bring health and vitality
into your own life. From aiding digestion and period pains to coping with
chronic illnesses and allergies, harnessing the power of crystals will bring
fresh vitality to your life. Heal Yourself with Crystals teaches you all you
need to know about healing crystals in order for you to be the healthiest
version of yourself, including how to identify each gemstone, how and
when to use them and how each one can help you with your specific
health and wellness needs

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