
The Economist

Internasjonalt nyhetsmagasin som er berømt for sine objektive, klare, seriøse og kommenterende reportasjer om politikk, økonomi, finans, teknologi, kunst, litteratur og sport. Ofte referert til i dagspressen.

Gong RätselKiste

Tysk korsordstidning

Helsemagasinet VOF

HELSEMAGASINET VOF – fakta, forskning og ideer om temaer innen helse og samfunn. Hva skal til for å oppnå best mulig helse? VOF ønsker å finne ut hva som skal til og formidle det til deg. Vi gir deg fakta, logikk og forskning som kan forklare og vise sammenhengene vi trenger å kjenne til. Vi er interesserte i både fysisk og mental helse, helse- og utdanningspolitikk, og andre personlige og samfunnsmessige aspekter som påvirker vår utvikling og vårt velvære. VOF har som hensikt å formidle vitenskap og fakta innen helse, ernæring, psykologi, trening, læring, utvikling, politikk og miljø. Vi har et evolusjonært perspektiv og er opptatt av å finne ut hva som skal til for at vi skal leve optimalt og med best mulig helse.

Atlantic The

A fast paced magazine with features by leading writers on issues ranging from politics, the universe, education and health, to the law, sports and romance. Stimulating book reviews and articles on the home, food, travel and music will stimulate your senses. Monthly.

Monocle Special Escapist

Forecast will cover the geopolitical forces set to shape the world for all of us and also deliver fresh insight into the world of architecture, retail, design, media, music, hospitality, aviation and much more. The Forecast will be your trusty guide to the sometimes perilous terrain ahead.

The Artists Magazine

¿ How-to articles to strengthen your skills and encourage exploration in a variety of media
¿ Artist profiles that ignite new ideas and expand your creativity
¿ Expert advice and professional tips to enhance and enrich your life as an artist

Digital Frontier

Digital Frontier is a forward-thinking publication that steps beyond the daily news cycle to produce deeply reported stories on how technology is opening up new opportunities in the world around us. Excited by technology and the possibilities it holds, while not being naïve to its faults. The magazine will reflect that, highlighting unexpected and influential innovations from all over the world.

Science & Vie

The first European newspaper about news and science that presents the latest research, developments, technological innovations, medical developments and major scientific problems in society. We follow the world and dreams for the future of science limelight. Monthly.

FT Weekend

The Saturday Paper – stay informed with the weekend¿s clearest view of the world
Life & Arts – uncover the new and the noteworthy in art, culture, style and travel
FT Money – manage your finances with practical guidance from our expert team
House & Home – definitive coverage of high-end property architecture, interiors and gardens
How To Spend It – the multi-award-winning monthly magazine for the ultimate in life¿s luxuries

Country Living Special

A magazine full of beautiful sun-filled homes and gardens, craft ideas, alfresco food and seasonal inspiration from the Country Living archives.