
Shipping Today&Yester.

A monthly specialist magazine – with features on and photographs of ocean liners, warships, ferries, merchant ships, docks and ports around the world.

Sight & Sound

Covers the latest film and video releases, but the focus is on nuturing the British film industry. It also contains the happenings from all the film festivals and award ceremonies from around the world. Regular features include articles on television, and interviews with people in the industry. Contains authoritative and entertaining articles on contemporary and classic cinema from Hong Kong to Hollywood.Reviews every feature film given major distribution and lists the full credits for each one.

BBC History Magazine

Each monthly edition contains everything you need to get the most out of history including: Bringing History to Life – Leading historians, bring fresh insights and perspectives into the personalities and events of the past.
Today¿s world in context – Make sense of the modern world and the history that has shaped it.
History to Go – Museum of the month, where to go, what to see ¿ hands on history to help you explore your heritage. What¿s On? – The UK¿s best guide and insight into history programmes on TV and radio.
Milestones – Key events in history, every day of the month.
Reviews – The best new books, CDs, tapes and internet sites. The History Quiz – With questions to test even the hottest history brains (and prizes to reward them).
Education ¿ Exploring issues of interest to students and teachers alike.

Classic Rock Platinum

Classic Rock Platinum Brand new regular frequency bookazine series celebrating the best in Classic Rock and heavy metal. Leveraging the success of Classic Rock in our key export territories – One of the best selling music brands in the world. Featuring the biggest and loudest bands from the past 40 years. Led Zeppelin, AC/DC, Rolling Stones, Iron Maiden, KISS, Guns N Roses, Pink Floyd, Metallica, Aerosmith.

Hifi News

Hi-Fi News & Record Review, the longest serving and most prestigious hi-fi and music magazine in the world. Since its launch in June 1956 – two years before the commercial realisation of stereo – Hi-Fi News & Record Review has been delivering insightful reviews of the key products and technologies that lie behind our shared hobby… the passion of listening to music on the very best equipment available to the enthusiast. Every issue, Hi-Fi News delivers uniquely in-depth reviews of high-end audio equipment, including the best in vinyl replay and iconic vintage gear from the early days of audio. It is essential reading for all music enthusiasts.


It appeals to the active, hands-on Macintosh user, whether home, small business or professional, and provides the most balanced application coverage, from graphics and games to spreadsheets and multimedia. We also know how much you value easy-to-follow hints and tips, so every issue of MacFormat comes complete with pages and pages of Answers to your individual queries, plus expert tutorials to help you get to grips with the latest packages. While our buyers guide ensures you buy the right hardware and software for you. MacFormat is the magazine that helps you get more from your Mac, no matter what you use it for. So, why not take a bigger byte of the Apple?

Rolls Royce & Bentley

Rolls-Royce & Bentley driver is a publication for all Bentley and Rolls-Royce enthusiasts and owners. Principally focusing on the classic models of these luxurious car brands.


Landidee skriver om gammel kunnskap og aktuelle saker rundt om på landet – ideer til hage, kjøkken, vaskerom – Historier om tradisjoner, håndverk, dyreliv.

Practical Wireless

Practical Wireless (or PW as it is known) has been around for a LONG time. It has a good mix of articles including a good few on QRP and simple projects as well as operating news and reviews of ham and other radio gear. Monthly.

Family Wordsearch Jumb

Family Wordsearch Jumbo lives up to its supersized name; it’s a jumbo wordsearch magazine with an unbeatable selection of fun-to-solve puzzles. There are seasonal wordsearches and more than 130 other puzzles grouped into categories such as travel, food and drink, TV and so on, giving puzzlers a whopping 156 wonderful wordsearches.