Dette nettstedet bruker infokapsler slik at vi kan gi deg den best mulige brukeropplevelsen. Infokapsler lagres i nettlesren din og utfører funksjoner som å gjenkjenne deg når du returnerer til nettstedet vårt og hjelper oss forstå hvilke deler av nettstedet du finner interessant og nyttig.
Foreign Affairs
Essays, where you will be able to read thoughtful articles which have made Foreign Affairs the forum where new visions are announced, new policies forged, new insights
shared. Comments, where you ll find opinions, policy trial balloons, debates and much more. A Reviews section, where our writers critique the newest international affairs books – a great way to sample over 350 books a year!
Letters, where the forum is further expanded, as our distinguished readers respond to earlier Comments and Essays. Bi-monthly.
American Scientist
American Scientist features reviews of current research written by prominent scientists and engineers, the most comprehensive book review section of any science magazine and a handful of regular columns.
OH Reader
Oh Reader is a youthful. unique magazine that calebrates the love of reading
Love Patchwork & Quilting
Love Patchwork & Quilting is a magazine from the makers of Mollie Makes and Simply Crochet. Every issue features fresh, modern, step-by-step projects for quilts, cushions, home style and gifts, with something for every skill level. In addition there are fascinating features and interviews, the latest fabric and trends, plus news, reviews and ideas to inform and inspire you. Essential reading for every modern quilter!
Forbes Special
American news magazine on society, politics and economy.
The Spectator
Every week The Spectator is packed with insightful opinion, commentary and analysis about current affairs, politics, the arts, books, and the big issues of the moment. The Spectator is incisive, informative and irreverent on a whole range of subjects from politics to the arts. You ll read regular columnists who delight, provoke, amuse and sometimes infuriate, the funniest cartoons in print, and editorial features of incredible breadth and depth. It¿s a weekly delight for anyone who loves good writing, contentious opinions and hard-hitting comment.
Antik & Auktion
Europas största tidning om konst och antikviteter.
Elle Decoration
Elle Decoration är den svenska internationella inredningstidningen. Det bästa av internationell inredningsjournalistik blandas med många sidor inspirerande svenskt.
Point De Vue
Point De Vue is a French magazine that comes out every week and is about happy families, royal family, marriage and travel. Point De Vue has a harmonious balance between intriguing stories and beautiful pictures, but prohibits any skandalpublisering.The magazine also includes topics related to art, culture, spa, fashion and beauty.
Offside är först och främst ett reportagemagasin som brinner för att berätta historierna om världens största sport ¿ i både text och bild. Vi vill ta med våra läsare till miljöer, öden och händelser som inte traditionella medier rapporterar om och har sedan starten år 2000 belönats med en rad utmärkelser för vår djuplodande, välskrivna och initierade fotbollsjournalistik. Som Financial Times en gång skrev om oss: »The UK has nothing as smart or well-designed as Offside.«
Men Offside är inte bara ett magasin. Sedan 2014 har chefredaktörerna Anders Bengtsson och Johan Orrenius gjort Offsides podcast, en av Sveriges största poddar om fotboll. Våren 2023 lanserades ytterligare tre poddar: Spelarbussen, Offside Fokus och Offside Story.
Förutom magasin och poddar har Offside en aktiv hemsida,, som varje vecka publicerar intervjuer, spaningar och nyhetsbrev.