Dette nettstedet bruker infokapsler slik at vi kan gi deg den best mulige brukeropplevelsen. Infokapsler lagres i nettlesren din og utfører funksjoner som å gjenkjenne deg når du returnerer til nettstedet vårt og hjelper oss forstå hvilke deler av nettstedet du finner interessant og nyttig.
Kick Magazine
Kick! is great for 6 to 12-year-old boys and girls who love football and want to know more about their favourite stars. Every month, KICK! takes an exciting, interactive look at the world of football. What were today s top footballers like when they were kids themselves? What do they get up to in their spare time? KICK! is accessible, aspirational and always loads of fun! With free gifts every issue and loads of fantastic competitions, it s even better than going to a footy match itself! Jam-packed with fantastic footy features, player interviews, quizzes, puzzles and huge glossy posters.
Auto Italia
Imagine a car magazine devoted exclusively to Italian cars. Cars that express the passion of their creators, spanning generations of designs and technologies. A magazine written by and for enthusiasts!
Land Rover Monthly
Made for enthusiasts by entusiasts.
Dance Europe
Covering performances across Europe and beyond.
Philosophy Now
Philosophy Now is a news-stand magazine for everyone interested in ideas. It aims to corrupt innocent citizens by convincing them that philosophy can be exciting, worthwhile and comprehensible, and also to provide some light and enjoyable reading matter for those already ensnared by the muse, such as philosophy students and academics.
Philosophy Now appears every two months. It contains articles on all aspects of Western philosophy, as well as book reviews, letters, news, cartoons, and the occasional short story.
Since its small-scale launch in Britain in 1991, Philosophy Now has grown to become the most widely-read philosophy periodical in the English language.
Bamse Äventyr
Följ med Bamse och hans vänner på spännande äventyr i extra långa serier.
Bamse för de yngsta
Bamse för de yngsta är en helt ny pektidning med serier specialskrivna för små barn. Bilderna är färgstarka, stora och lätta att förstå. Tidningen trycks på tjockt och tåligt papper
Country Music People
Country Music People magazine contains features on a range of UK and imported releases in the country music field. The magazine also provides information on the latest chart updates as well features on the well known players in the industry. The magazine will also contain news and listings of evenings and clubs that are being held all over the country which are dedicated to the country music and dancing scene.
Combat Aircraft
Unrivalled in its in-depth coverage of the world of military aviation, Combat Aircraft includes reports, expert briefings and special features on current military aircraft and industry matters. Illustrated with the finest images provided by the world¿s leading aviation photographers, Combat Aircraft also links coverage of modern subjects with outstanding historical stories from World War II and the Cold War years, including rare archive imagery.
As well as being visually stunning, Combat Aircraft offers the reader a large amount of detailed information and thought-provoking opinion on topical military aviation issues.
Combat Aircraft will give you unprecedented access into squadron crew rooms, and strap you into the cockpits of the world¿s greatest military aircraft!
It provides up to date information from the leading manufacturers which you simply cannot get anywhere else and is your complete, one stop, portal for military aviation around the globe.
In addition to the magazine, this new website will be deliver details of forthcoming features, video clips, author Blogs and other online features that will act as a perfect accompaniment to the printed magazine. Combat Aircraft – the world¿s best military aviation magazine.
Superpack Paw Patrol
Superpack består av två stycken barntidningar med present. Tidningarna är utvalda av de starkaste varumärken från barnsegmentet som t.ex. Disney
Prinsessor, Frost, Lego Ninjago med flera som ligger packade två och två. Tidningarna är tidigare utgivna nummer.