
Egmont Junior Frost

En tidning med olika teman.

Tidningspåse Sonic

Tidningspåse är en aktivitets/presentpåse med olika teman från utgåva till utgåva. De produkter som publiceras under denna påse är starka varumärken såsom Paw Patrol, Frost, Hello Kitty, Bilar, Min Häst mfl


Completely unknown to most magazine readers, but a must-read to the enlightened few, Tank is the sort of magazine that has fashion designers such as Sir Paul Smith, Christian Lacroix and Karl Lagerfeld among its regular contributors. Tank is a visually led, 200 page, quarterly journal oozing fashion, photography, original fine art, rants, fiction and memoir. TANK is a tool for thinking and a source of inspiration. With pictures to die for and worlds to live by. Tank is a plattform for the latest talent and a refuge for established voices. Quarterly.

Maries Socken & Asecc

o Chic socks incl. sock tutorial.
o The eye-catcher: Jacquard pattern
o Top fashion stoles and triangular shawls
o Beautiful scarves
o Warming hats
o BOTTIES – cool crochet boots for outdoors
o Back in fashion: gauntlets
o Perfect partner look: socks for him and her

Farming Simulator

Farming Simulator will regularly feature the most exciting mods.
The magazine is published directly by the developer of the game – you can’t get more insider info than that!

MIT Sloan Management Rev

MIT Sloan Management Review leads the discourse among academic researchers, business executives and other influential thought leaders about advances in management practice, particularly those shaped by technology, that are transforming how people lead and innovate. MIT SMR disseminates new management research and innovative ideas so that thoughtful executives can capitalize on the opportunities generated by rapid organizational, technological and societal change.

World At War

World at War is a military history magazine focused on World War 2.

Psychology Today

The mission of Psychology Today is to take information from
the latest research in psychology and make it useful to
people in their everyday lives. This bimonthly magazine
shows readers how to improve themselves, their families
and relationships, and their experiences in the workplace. In
addition, the magazine looks at societal issues so that
readers can better understand the world in which they live. Bi-monthly.

Mens Health (US)

Men s Health helps men take control of their physical, mental and emotional lives. It is the only men s magazine dedicated to showing men the practical and positive actions that can make their lives better. Men s Health – The magazine men live by.
8 issues.

Model Railroader

Covers all popular scales with challenging how-to projects, visits to remarkable layouts, reviews of new products, and amazing color photos.