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Racecar Engineering
Racecar is the world s first and foremost motorsports technology magazine. It s crammed full of in-depth detail about Formula 1 cars, Rally cars, Touring Cars not one type of four-wheeled competition machine is overlooked.
Published ten times a year, Racecar is not full of jargon: you don t need a Master s in a physical science to understand it. But it s written by professionals, specialised in their fields. That makes Racecar a must for every motorsports enthusiast, from the armchair technical freak, through the club competitor, to the professional engineer.
Hola Fashion
The latest trensd, looks, accessories and catwalk news etc… And of course the hottest models, designers ans fashionistas
Food and Travel
Food and Travel is the award-winning magazine that brings the tastes, experiences and mystery of the world direct to your door.
Häng med Barbie och alla hennes vänner på olika aktiviteter och utflykter. En fullmatad tidning som inspirerar den unga Barbie-tokiga till läsning och lärande. Barbie och hennes vänner peppar läsaren att vara sitt bästa jag och att våga uppnå sina drömmar. Varje utgåva kommer med en extra liten present.
Resemagasinet som bjuder på fängslande reportage, faktaspäckade guider och svindlande bilder. Dessutom kritisk granskning av, och nyttig information om, resebranschen i varje nummer. En välbalanserad mix av inspirerande läsning, ögonfröjd och kunskap.
Gong RätselKiste
Tysk korsordstidning
Kaunis Mieli
Colouring book for adults in Finish.
FT Weekend
The Saturday Paper – stay informed with the weekend¿s clearest view of the world
Life & Arts – uncover the new and the noteworthy in art, culture, style and travel
FT Money – manage your finances with practical guidance from our expert team
House & Home – definitive coverage of high-end property architecture, interiors and gardens
How To Spend It – the multi-award-winning monthly magazine for the ultimate in life¿s luxuries
History of Rock
From the Publishers of UNCUT. This brand new monthly packed with 148pages runs through past decades with the launch issue starting with the year of 1965. Every issue reconstructs all the key musical events from the year, using a wealth of revelatory interviews, reviews and news stories from the vaults of NME and Melody Maker.
The Economist
Internasjonalt nyhetsmagasin som er berømt for sine objektive, klare, seriøse og kommenterende reportasjer om politikk, økonomi, finans, teknologi, kunst, litteratur og sport. Ofte referert til i dagspressen.