Dette nettstedet bruker infokapsler slik at vi kan gi deg den best mulige brukeropplevelsen. Infokapsler lagres i nettlesren din og utfører funksjoner som å gjenkjenne deg når du returnerer til nettstedet vårt og hjelper oss forstå hvilke deler av nettstedet du finner interessant og nyttig.
Painting World
This high-quality magazine focuses on bringing you the latest in decorative painting, fi¬ne art, mixed media, and much more. We strive to keep creative
painting on-trend in the marketplace as a method of using personal talent to generate both income and self-ful¬llment. This Bi-monthly publication
will keep you current on creative arts, conventions/conferences, and creative supplies.
Each issue contains informative editorials on art and painting. The step by step tutorials will appeal to the beginner, intermediate, and advanced artist.
Top artists/designers from around the world are featured in this vibrant full-color publication. Each issue displays a new cover artist and at least eight different projects.

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