
V Man

VMAN magazine was created for a 21st-century kind of man ¿one who is stylish and curious, urban and adventuresome, comfortable with himself and at home in the world. The magazine spotlights up-and-comers and shines a new light on more established stars, while also uncovering fascinating new trends, ideas, styles, destinations, and objects for the man who needs to stay up to date with the latest and greatest in international society and culture. With an influential readership that includes both rising underground talents and well-known names in art, fashion, entertainment and media, VMAN is a new kind of men¿s magazine for the new kind of man.

V Man
I butikk til2025-05-07
Pris Sverige299.00 kr
Pris Norge355.00 kr
Kommer ut2 Tider / år

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